

To meet the needs of abandoned and orphaned in Kenya, supporting placing of children in loving homes and strengthening families. We provide high school education to oppressed, needy girls who would otherwise drop out of high school due to lack of tuition since government doesn’t provide funding for high school which lack of, compounds abuse including sexual abuse leading to increased homelessness among other dire situations. Mutilation of young vulnerable girls and effects of it, unreported molestation and rape and reasons the victims refuse to report, Effects of poverty and disease on especially girls are reasons our hearts cry out. We strive at advocating for these children and providing spiritual support by sharing the truth of God’s Word.

Together, we can make a difference one person at a time improving the community tomorrow.

With wholeness as our focus to fulfill God’s purpose one earth, spreading God’s love that brings healing for the broken hearts and freedom for captives is our goal for abandoned and orphaned children, oppressed girls, and women, among others in need by providing home and other services.

Due to lack of education, disease and poverty, many babies are abandoned in dumpsters, street corners and at people’s gates by desperate mothers. These abandoned babies are left to die is no one notices them. (both baby girls and baby boys).

Those who are rescued are put in rescue orphanages with hopes that someone will adopt them. While well-wishers adopt some, many stay in this poor rescue facilities in which life is just but survival.

Some of the rescued babies are found to be with HIV and many of those infected die under poor care. Since the government of Kenya does not allow international adoption, the only hope for these poor conditions is to help these babies right in Kenya.

Many of the children who are raised under these poor conditions end up back in the streets due to lack of education. While some of the boys end up in crimes for survival, some of the girls end up in prostitution, defenseless molestation and rapes leading to more unplanned babies and the cycles.

Many girls also face forced female mutilation due to lack of education which cause them major complications. Some girls are put through this as a disciplinary action. Some girls are also forced into young marriages to old men so that the father can get money to feed the rest of the family. Many of such girls are abused and some eventually abandoned ending for streets to survive.

Family land is usually passed down to sons. Daughters who are not married are therefore forced out of the home eventually and have nowhere to go due to high poverty levels. Many married women live in extreme domestic abuse and violence because they are uneducated, jobless and have nowhere else to go.

The culture also shames women for the poor circumstances and when many report abuse, they are laughed at and shamed instead of getting help. They become community laughing stock. This makes many girls and women suffer silently without sharing their pain even with family or friends until extreme trust is developed.

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Our organization does not only provide home and food but more importantly to create an environment in which children and others in need feel safe, peaceful, valued and with a strong sense of belonging. This will boost a sense of greater self-worth in each leading to increased productivity, building a better world one by one.

This ministry started with a vision God placed in Ann Makena’s heart (who was raised in Kenya and has been a witness to the suffering), to enrich the lives of orphaned and abandoned children, especially girls in Kenya.  Our ministry will care for boys as well. We need both strong men and women in leadership tomorrow. Beyond feeding and raising these children, we want them to have self-confidence and healthy self-esteem.

We want to fight the stigma that cause shame and inspire them to realize that no matter what the past was, that past does not dictate their future. Whether a child was collected from a dumpster after birth or a street corner does not determine their destiny in God. The children we raise in “Loving Home” will not feel less privileged or have self-doubt due to their birth circumstances.

They will be loved and inspired to believe they matter and God has them here for such a time a this for a reason.   The truth is that God is equally our Father, what He can do through a person raised by their own parent(s), He can also do with a person that was orphaned or abandoned who is raised in God’s love by others like you and I.

God does not depend on our origin, history or current circumstances to determine our future. He depends on us having a relationship with Him and being available for His purpose. This is why every one of our children are going be raised to believe this because every child is equal in God’s eyes.

Oppression of Kenyan women and girls is an additional focus of this ministry. Many of these women go through life not feeling heard; that no one can understand their pain. These women and girls have been scarred and live with emotional, spiritual and physical pain as well as carrying shame for their situations.  They need to know that God is able to meet them at the point of their own particular needs.

The heart of this ministry is to help people change their way of thinking by connecting with their Maker from the inside out and living out their lives as God intended.  We don’t believe in just helping them survive from day to day but helping them realize how important each one of them is in God’s eyes.

We want them to realize what God can do through them if they focus on His word instead of focusing on the words of the world against them. We want them to learn to spread their wings and fly to great heights on their own in God. Rather, learn to fish the best fish out of the sea of life by God’s grace.

Your financial support will make it possible to touch the  lives of these babies, children, girls and women in dare need. God bless you for your donation and sacrifice to make a difference in someone who really needs it.